Sunday, May 20, 2007

The best sitcom in the 90's

That's a heady title but one I think Newsradio definitely deserves. I even have Michael Ian Black's support on this (he said so on VH1's I love the 90's). Anyways the point about this is I just picked up season 5 on DVD and thought I'd give a quick review. This is the final season and also the season after Phil Hartman's crazy ass wife decided to kill him. Stupid bitch. Most shows after losing a main character would fall apart, but this show persevered and had some of their best eps in this season. If you've never seen Newsradio before I highly recommend checking out the re-runs on TBS at noon every day. If you're at work DVR it...and if you don't have a DVR get out of the stone age. Oh and if your one of those asshole who insists on calling it TiVO, fuck you, you brand name automaton. Sorry I got unleashed there. Oh and welcome to my one reader Mr Gone 333, keep posting and maybe we can debate. I get bored easily.
P.S. and no it was not the critic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

then what was it you filthy fucker!